Account |
Account information at a given round.
AccountApplicationResponse |
AccountApplicationResponse describes the account's application local state and
global state (AppLocalState and AppParams, if either exists) for a specific
application ID.
AccountAssetHolding |
AccountAssetHolding describes the account's asset holding and asset parameters
(if either exist) for a specific asset ID.
AccountAssetResponse |
AccountAssetResponse describes the account's asset holding and asset parameters
(if either exist) for a specific asset ID.
AccountAssetsInformationResponse |
AccountAssetsInformationResponse contains a list of assets held by an account.
AccountParticipation |
AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus
AccountResponse |
AccountsResponse |
AccountStateDelta |
Application state delta.
AppCallLogs |
The logged messages from an app call along with the app ID and outer transaction
Application |
Application index and its parameters
ApplicationInitialStates |
An application's initial global/local/box states that were accessed during
ApplicationKVStorage |
An application's global/local/box state.
ApplicationLocalReference |
References an account's local state for an application.
ApplicationLocalState |
Stores local state associated with an application.
ApplicationLocalStatesResponse |
ApplicationLogData |
Stores the global information associated with an application.
ApplicationLogsResponse |
ApplicationParams |
Stores the global information associated with an application.
ApplicationResponse |
ApplicationsResponse |
ApplicationStateOperation |
An operation against an application's global/local/box state.
ApplicationStateSchema |
Specifies maximums on the number of each type that may be stored.
Asset |
Specifies both the unique identifier and the parameters for an asset
AssetBalancesResponse |
AssetHolding |
Describes an asset held by an account.
AssetHoldingReference |
References an asset held by an account.
AssetHoldingsResponse |
AssetParams |
AssetParams specifies the parameters for an asset.
AssetResponse |
AssetsResponse |
AvmKeyValue |
Represents an AVM key-value pair in an application store.
AvmValue |
Represents an AVM value.
Block |
Block information.
BlockHashResponse |
Hash of a block header.
BlockHeaderResponse |
Block header.
BlockHeadersResponse |
BlockLogsResponse |
All logs emitted in the given round.
BlockResponse |
Encoded block object.
BlockRewards |
Fields relating to rewards,
BlockTxidsResponse |
Top level transaction IDs in a block.
BlockUpgradeState |
Fields relating to a protocol upgrade.
BlockUpgradeVote |
Fields relating to voting for a protocol upgrade.
Box |
Box name and its content.
BoxDescriptor |
Box descriptor describes an app box without a value.
BoxesResponse |
Box names of an application
BoxReference |
References a box of an application.
BuildVersion |
CompileResponse |
Teal compile Result
DisassembleResponse |
Teal disassembly Result
DryrunRequest |
Request data type for dryrun endpoint.
DryrunResponse |
DryrunResponse contains per-txn debug information from a dryrun.
DryrunSource |
DryrunSource is TEAL source text that gets uploaded, compiled, and inserted into
transactions or application state.
DryrunState |
Stores the TEAL eval step data
DryrunTxnResult |
DryrunTxnResult contains any LogicSig or ApplicationCall program debug
information and state updates from a dryrun.
Enums |
ErrorResponse |
Response for errors
EvalDelta |
Represents a TEAL value delta.
EvalDeltaKeyValue |
Key-value pairs for StateDelta.
GetBlockTimeStampOffsetResponse |
Response containing the timestamp offset in seconds
GetSyncRoundResponse |
Response containing the ledger's minimum sync round
HashFactory |
HbProofFields |
(hbprf) HbProof is a signature using HeartbeatAddress's partkey, thereby showing
it is online.
HealthCheck |
A health check response.
IndexerStateProofMessage |
KvDelta |
A single Delta containing the key, the previous value and the current value for
a single round.
LedgerStateDelta |
Contains a ledger delta
LedgerStateDeltaForTransactionGroup |
Contains a ledger delta for a single transaction group
LightBlockHeaderProof |
Proof of membership and position of a light block header.
MerkleArrayProof |
MiniAssetHolding |
A simplified version of AssetHolding
NodeStatusResponse |
ParticipationUpdates |
Participation account data that needs to be checked/acted on by the network.
PendingTransactionResponse |
Details about a pending transaction.
PendingTransactionsResponse |
A potentially truncated list of transactions currently in the node's transaction
PostTransactionsResponse |
Transaction ID of the submission.
ScratchChange |
A write operation into a scratch slot.
SimulateInitialStates |
Initial states of resources that were accessed during simulation.
SimulateRequest |
Request type for simulation endpoint.
SimulateRequestTransactionGroup |
A transaction group to simulate.
SimulateResponse |
Result of a transaction group simulation.
SimulateTraceConfig |
An object that configures simulation execution trace.
SimulateTransactionGroupResult |
Simulation result for an atomic transaction group
SimulateTransactionResult |
Simulation result for an individual transaction
SimulateUnnamedResourcesAccessed |
These are resources that were accessed by this group that would normally have
caused failure, but were allowed in simulation.
SimulationEvalOverrides |
The set of parameters and limits override during simulation.
SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit |
The set of trace information and effect from evaluating a single opcode.
SimulationTransactionExecTrace |
The execution trace of calling an app or a logic sig, containing the inner app
call trace in a recursive way.
StateProof |
Represents a state proof and its corresponding message
StateProofFields |
(sp) represents a state proof.
StateProofMessage |
Represents the message that the state proofs are attesting to.
StateProofParticipant |
StateProofReveal |
StateProofSignature |
StateProofSigSlot |
StateProofTracking |
StateProofVerifier |
StateSchema |
Represents a (apls) local-state or (apgs) global-state schema.
SupplyResponse |
Supply represents the current supply of MicroAlgos in the system.
TealKeyValue |
Represents a key-value pair in an application store.
TealValue |
Represents a TEAL value.
Transaction |
Contains all fields common to all transactions and serves as an envelope to all
transactions type.
TransactionApplication |
Fields for application transactions.
TransactionAssetConfig |
Fields for asset allocation, re-configuration, and destruction.
TransactionAssetFreeze |
Fields for an asset freeze transaction.
TransactionAssetTransfer |
Fields for an asset transfer transaction.
TransactionGroupLedgerStateDeltasForRoundResponse |
Response containing all ledger state deltas for transaction groups, with their
associated Ids, in a single round.
TransactionHeartbeat |
Fields for a heartbeat transaction.
TransactionKeyreg |
Fields for a keyreg transaction.
TransactionParametersResponse |
TransactionParams contains the parameters that help a client construct a new
TransactionPayment |
Fields for a payment transaction.
TransactionProofResponse |
Proof of transaction in a block.
TransactionResponse |
TransactionSignature |
Validation signature associated with some data.
TransactionSignatureLogicsig |
(lsig) Programatic transaction signature.
TransactionSignatureMultisig |
(msig) structure holding multiple subsignatures.
TransactionSignatureMultisigSubsignature |
TransactionsResponse |
TransactionStateProof |
Fields for a state proof transaction.
Version |
algod version information.