Class AccountParticipation

  • public class AccountParticipation
    extends PathResponse
    AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus protocol.
    • Field Detail

      • selectionParticipationKey

        public byte[] selectionParticipationKey
      • stateProofKey

        public byte[] stateProofKey
      • voteFirstValid

        public Long voteFirstValid
        First round for which this participation is valid.
      • voteKeyDilution

        public Long voteKeyDilution
        Number of subkeys in each batch of participation keys.
      • voteLastValid

        public Long voteLastValid
        Last round for which this participation is valid.
      • voteParticipationKey

        public byte[] voteParticipationKey
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccountParticipation

        public AccountParticipation()
    • Method Detail

      • selectionParticipationKey

        public void selectionParticipationKey​(String base64Encoded)
        Selection public key (if any) currently registered for this round.
      • selectionParticipationKey

        public String selectionParticipationKey()
      • stateProofKey

        public void stateProofKey​(String base64Encoded)
        Root of the state proof key (if any)
      • stateProofKey

        public String stateProofKey()
      • voteParticipationKey

        public void voteParticipationKey​(String base64Encoded)
        root participation public key (if any) currently registered for this round.
      • voteParticipationKey

        public String voteParticipationKey()