Class StateProofTracking

    • Field Detail

      • nextRound

        public Long nextRound
        (n) Next round for which we will accept a state proof transaction.
      • onlineTotalWeight

        public Long onlineTotalWeight
        (t) The total number of microalgos held by the online accounts during the StateProof round.
      • type

        public BigInteger type
        State Proof Type. Note the raw object uses map with this as key.
      • votersCommitment

        public byte[] votersCommitment
    • Constructor Detail

      • StateProofTracking

        public StateProofTracking()
    • Method Detail

      • votersCommitment

        public void votersCommitment​(String base64Encoded)
        (v) Root of a vector commitment containing online accounts that will help sign the proof.
      • votersCommitment

        public String votersCommitment()