Class AssetHolding

  • public class AssetHolding
    extends PathResponse
    Describes an asset held by an account. Definition: data/basics/userBalance.go : AssetHolding
    • Field Detail

      • amount

        public BigInteger amount
        number of units held.
      • assetId

        public Long assetId
        Asset ID of the holding.
      • deleted

        public Boolean deleted
        Whether or not the asset holding is currently deleted from its account.
      • isFrozen

        public Boolean isFrozen
        whether or not the holding is frozen.
      • optedInAtRound

        public BigInteger optedInAtRound
        Round during which the account opted into this asset holding.
      • optedOutAtRound

        public BigInteger optedOutAtRound
        Round during which the account opted out of this asset holding.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssetHolding

        public AssetHolding()