Class Account

  • public class Account
    extends PathResponse
    Account information at a given round. Definition: data/basics/userBalance.go : AccountData
    • Field Detail

      • amount

        public Long amount
        total number of MicroAlgos in the account
      • amountWithoutPendingRewards

        public Long amountWithoutPendingRewards
        specifies the amount of MicroAlgos in the account, without the pending rewards.
      • appsLocalState

        public List<ApplicationLocalState> appsLocalState
        application local data stored in this account. Note the raw object uses `map[int] -> AppLocalState` for this type.
      • appsTotalExtraPages

        public Long appsTotalExtraPages
        the sum of all extra application program pages for this account.
      • appsTotalSchema

        public ApplicationStateSchema appsTotalSchema
        the sum of all of the local schemas and global schemas in this account. Note: the raw account uses `StateSchema` for this type.
      • assets

        public List<AssetHolding> assets
        assets held by this account. Note the raw object uses `map[int] -> AssetHolding` for this type.
      • authAddr

        public Address authAddr
      • closedAtRound

        public BigInteger closedAtRound
        Round during which this account was most recently closed.
      • createdApps

        public List<Application> createdApps
        parameters of applications created by this account including app global data. Note: the raw account uses `map[int] -> AppParams` for this type.
      • createdAssets

        public List<Asset> createdAssets
        parameters of assets created by this account. Note: the raw account uses `map[int] -> Asset` for this type.
      • createdAtRound

        public BigInteger createdAtRound
        Round during which this account first appeared in a transaction.
      • deleted

        public Boolean deleted
        Whether or not this account is currently closed.
      • incentiveEligible

        public Boolean incentiveEligible
        can the account receive block incentives if its balance is in range at proposal time.
      • lastHeartbeat

        public Long lastHeartbeat
        The round in which this account last went online, or explicitly renewed their online status.
      • lastProposed

        public Long lastProposed
        The round in which this account last proposed the block.
      • minBalance

        public Long minBalance
        MicroAlgo balance required by the account. The requirement grows based on asset and application usage.
      • participation

        public AccountParticipation participation
        AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus protocol.
      • pendingRewards

        public Long pendingRewards
        amount of MicroAlgos of pending rewards in this account.
      • rewardBase

        public Long rewardBase
        used as part of the rewards computation. Only applicable to accounts which are participating.
      • rewards

        public Long rewards
        total rewards of MicroAlgos the account has received, including pending rewards.
      • round

        public Long round
        The round for which this information is relevant.
      • sigType

        public Enums.SigType sigType
        the type of signature used by this account, must be one of: sig msig lsig or null if unknown
      • status

        public String status
        voting status of the account's MicroAlgos Offline - indicates that the associated account is delegated. Online - indicates that the associated account used as part of the delegation pool. NotParticipating - indicates that the associated account is neither a delegator nor a delegate.
      • totalAppsOptedIn

        public Long totalAppsOptedIn
        The count of all applications that have been opted in, equivalent to the count of application local data (AppLocalState objects) stored in this account.
      • totalAssetsOptedIn

        public Long totalAssetsOptedIn
        The count of all assets that have been opted in, equivalent to the count of AssetHolding objects held by this account.
      • totalBoxBytes

        public Long totalBoxBytes
        For app-accounts only. The total number of bytes allocated for the keys and values of boxes which belong to the associated application.
      • totalBoxes

        public Long totalBoxes
        For app-accounts only. The total number of boxes which belong to the associated application.
      • totalCreatedApps

        public Long totalCreatedApps
        The count of all apps (AppParams objects) created by this account.
      • totalCreatedAssets

        public Long totalCreatedAssets
        The count of all assets (AssetParams objects) created by this account.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Account

        public Account()