Class AssetParams

  • public class AssetParams
    extends PathResponse
    AssetParams specifies the parameters for an asset. (apar) when part of an AssetConfig transaction. Definition: data/transactions/asset.go : AssetParams
    • Field Detail

      • clawback

        public String clawback
        Address of account used to clawback holdings of this asset. If empty, clawback is not permitted.
      • creator

        public String creator
        The address that created this asset. This is the address where the parameters for this asset can be found, and also the address where unwanted asset units can be sent in the worst case.
      • decimals

        public Long decimals
        The number of digits to use after the decimal point when displaying this asset. If 0, the asset is not divisible. If 1, the base unit of the asset is in tenths. If 2, the base unit of the asset is in hundredths, and so on. This value must be between 0 and 19 (inclusive).
      • defaultFrozen

        public Boolean defaultFrozen
        Whether holdings of this asset are frozen by default.
      • freeze

        public String freeze
        Address of account used to freeze holdings of this asset. If empty, freezing is not permitted.
      • manager

        public String manager
        Address of account used to manage the keys of this asset and to destroy it.
      • metadataHash

        public byte[] metadataHash
      • name

        public String name
        Name of this asset, as supplied by the creator. Included only when the asset name is composed of printable utf-8 characters.
      • nameB64

        public byte[] nameB64
      • reserve

        public String reserve
        Address of account holding reserve (non-minted) units of this asset.
      • total

        public BigInteger total
        The total number of units of this asset.
      • unitName

        public String unitName
        Name of a unit of this asset, as supplied by the creator. Included only when the name of a unit of this asset is composed of printable utf-8 characters.
      • unitNameB64

        public byte[] unitNameB64
      • url

        public String url
        URL where more information about the asset can be retrieved. Included only when the URL is composed of printable utf-8 characters.
      • urlB64

        public byte[] urlB64
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssetParams

        public AssetParams()
    • Method Detail

      • metadataHash

        public void metadataHash​(String base64Encoded)
        A commitment to some unspecified asset metadata. The format of this metadata is up to the application.
      • metadataHash

        public String metadataHash()
      • nameB64

        public void nameB64​(String base64Encoded)
        Base64 encoded name of this asset, as supplied by the creator.
      • nameB64

        public String nameB64()
      • unitNameB64

        public void unitNameB64​(String base64Encoded)
        Base64 encoded name of a unit of this asset, as supplied by the creator.
      • unitNameB64

        public String unitNameB64()
      • urlB64

        public void urlB64​(String base64Encoded)
        Base64 encoded URL where more information about the asset can be retrieved.
      • urlB64

        public String urlB64()