Class Enums

  • public class Enums
    extends Object
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Enums.AddressRole
      Combine with the address parameter to define what type of address to search for.
      static class  Enums.Exclude
      Exclude additional items such as asset holdings, application local data stored for this account, asset parameters created by this account, and application parameters created by this account.
      static class  Enums.Hashtype
      The type of hash function used to create the proof, must be one of: sha512_256 sha256
      static class  Enums.OnCompletion
      (apan) defines the what additional actions occur with the transaction.
      static class  Enums.SigType
      SigType filters just results using the specified type of signature: sig - Standard msig - MultiSig lsig - LogicSig
      static class  Enums.TxType
      (type) Indicates what type of transaction this is.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • Enums

        public Enums()