Contains all fields common to all transactions and serves as an envelope to all transactions type. Represents both regular and inner transactions. Definition: data/transactions/signedtxn.go : SignedTxn data/transactions/transaction.go : Transaction




applicationTransaction?: TransactionApplication

Fields for application transactions. Definition: data/transactions/application.go : ApplicationCallTxnFields

assetConfigTransaction?: TransactionAssetConfig

Fields for asset allocation, re-configuration, and destruction. A zero value for asset-id indicates asset creation. A zero value for the params indicates asset destruction. Definition: data/transactions/asset.go : AssetConfigTxnFields

assetFreezeTransaction?: TransactionAssetFreeze

Fields for an asset freeze transaction. Definition: data/transactions/asset.go : AssetFreezeTxnFields

assetTransferTransaction?: TransactionAssetTransfer

Fields for an asset transfer transaction. Definition: data/transactions/asset.go : AssetTransferTxnFields

authAddr?: Address

(sgnr) this is included with signed transactions when the signing address does not equal the sender. The backend can use this to ensure that auth addr is equal to the accounts auth addr.

closeRewards?: bigint

(rc) rewards applied to close-remainder-to account.

closingAmount?: bigint

(ca) closing amount for transaction.

confirmedRound?: bigint

Round when the transaction was confirmed.

createdApplicationIndex?: bigint

Specifies an application index (ID) if an application was created with this transaction.

createdAssetIndex?: bigint

Specifies an asset index (ID) if an asset was created with this transaction.

fee: bigint

(fee) Transaction fee.

firstValid: bigint

(fv) First valid round for this transaction.

genesisHash?: Uint8Array

(gh) Hash of genesis block.

genesisId?: string

(gen) genesis block ID.

globalStateDelta?: indexerModels.EvalDeltaKeyValue[]

(gd) Global state key/value changes for the application being executed by this transaction.

group?: Uint8Array

(grp) Base64 encoded byte array of a sha512/256 digest. When present indicates that this transaction is part of a transaction group and the value is the sha512/256 hash of the transactions in that group.

id?: string

Transaction ID

Inner transactions produced by application execution.

intraRoundOffset?: number

Offset into the round where this transaction was confirmed.

keyregTransaction?: TransactionKeyreg

Fields for a keyreg transaction. Definition: data/transactions/keyreg.go : KeyregTxnFields

lastValid: bigint

(lv) Last valid round for this transaction.

lease?: Uint8Array

(lx) Base64 encoded 32-byte array. Lease enforces mutual exclusion of transactions. If this field is nonzero, then once the transaction is confirmed, it acquires the lease identified by the (Sender, Lease) pair of the transaction until the LastValid round passes. While this transaction possesses the lease, no other transaction specifying this lease can be confirmed.

localStateDelta?: indexerModels.AccountStateDelta[]

(ld) Local state key/value changes for the application being executed by this transaction.

logs?: Uint8Array[]

(lg) Logs for the application being executed by this transaction.

note?: Uint8Array

(note) Free form data.

paymentTransaction?: TransactionPayment

Fields for a payment transaction. Definition: data/transactions/payment.go : PaymentTxnFields

receiverRewards?: bigint

(rr) rewards applied to receiver account.

rekeyTo?: Address

(rekey) when included in a valid transaction, the accounts auth addr will be updated with this value and future signatures must be signed with the key represented by this address.

roundTime?: number

Time when the block this transaction is in was confirmed.

sender: string

(snd) Sender's address.

senderRewards?: bigint

(rs) rewards applied to sender account.

Validation signature associated with some data. Only one of the signatures should be provided.

stateProofTransaction?: TransactionStateProof

Fields for a state proof transaction. Definition: data/transactions/stateproof.go : StateProofTxnFields

txType?: string

(type) Indicates what type of transaction this is. Different types have different fields. Valid types, and where their fields are stored:

  • (pay) payment-transaction
  • (keyreg) keyreg-transaction
  • (acfg) asset-config-transaction
  • (axfer) asset-transfer-transaction
  • (afrz) asset-freeze-transaction
  • (appl) application-transaction
  • (stpf) state-proof-transaction
encodingSchemaValue: undefined | Schema



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