Class TransactionPayment

Fields for a payment transaction. Definition: data/transactions/payment.go : PaymentTxnFields



  • Creates a new TransactionPayment object.


    • __namedParameters: { amount: number | bigint; closeAmount?: number | bigint; closeRemainderTo?: string; receiver: string }
      • amount: number | bigint
      • Optional closeAmount?: number | bigint
      • Optional closeRemainderTo?: string
      • receiver: string

    Returns TransactionPayment


amount: number | bigint

(amt) number of MicroAlgos intended to be transferred.

attribute_map: Record<string, string>
closeAmount?: number | bigint

Number of MicroAlgos that were sent to the close-remainder-to address when closing the sender account.

closeRemainderTo?: string

(close) when set, indicates that the sending account should be closed and all remaining funds be transferred to this address.

receiver: string

(rcv) receiver's address.


  • Get an object ready for encoding to either JSON or msgpack.


    • binary: boolean = false

      Use true to indicate that the encoding can handle raw binary objects (Uint8Arrays). Use false to indicate that raw binary objects should be converted to base64 strings. True should be used for objects that will be encoded with msgpack, and false should be used for objects that will be encoded with JSON.

    Returns Record<string, any>

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