Interface TransactionParams

A full list of all available transaction parameters

The full documentation is available at:


  • TransactionParams


amount: number | bigint

Integer amount to send

appAccounts?: string[]

Array of Address strings, any additional accounts to supply to the application

appApprovalProgram: Uint8Array

The compiled TEAL that approves a transaction

appArgs?: Uint8Array[]

Array of Uint8Array, any additional arguments to the application

appClearProgram: Uint8Array

The compiled TEAL program that runs when clearing state

appForeignApps?: number[]

Array of int, any other apps used by the application, identified by index

appForeignAssets?: number[]

Array of int, any assets used by the application, identified by index

appGlobalByteSlices: number

Restricts number of byte slices in global state

appGlobalInts: number

Restricts number of ints in global state

appIndex: number

A unique application index

appLocalByteSlices: number

Restricts number of byte slices in per-user local state

appLocalInts: number

Restricts number of ints in per-user local state

appOnComplete: OnApplicationComplete

What application should do once the program has been run

assetClawback?: string

String representation of Algorand address with power to revoke asset holdings

assetDecimals: number

Integer number of decimals for asset unit calcuation

assetDefaultFrozen: boolean

Whether asset accounts should default to being frozen

assetFreeze?: string

String representation of Algorand address with power to freeze/unfreeze asset holdings

assetIndex: number

Asset index uniquely specifying the asset

assetManager?: string

String representation of Algorand address in charge of reserve, freeze, clawback, destruction, etc.

assetMetadataHash?: string | Uint8Array

Uint8Array or UTF-8 string representation of a hash commitment with respect to the asset. Must be exactly 32 bytes long.

assetName?: string

Name for this asset

assetReserve?: string

String representation of Algorand address representing asset reserve

assetRevocationTarget?: string

String representation of Algorand address – if provided, and if "from" is the asset's revocation manager, then deduct from "revocationTarget" rather than "from"

assetTotal: number | bigint

Total supply of the asset

assetURL?: string

URL relating to this asset

assetUnitName?: string

Unit name for this asset

boxes?: BoxReference[]

A grouping of the app ID and name of the box in an Uint8Array

closeRemainderTo?: string

Close out remaining account balance to this account

extraPages?: number

Int representing extra pages of memory to rent during an application create transaction.

fee: number

Integer fee per byte, in microAlgos. For a flat fee, set flatFee to true

firstRound: number

Integer first protocol round on which this txn is valid

flatFee?: boolean

Set this to true to specify fee as microalgos-per-txn.

If the final calculated fee is lower than the protocol minimum fee, the fee will be increased to match the minimum

freezeAccount: string

String representation of Algorand address being frozen or unfrozen

freezeState: boolean

true if freezeTarget should be frozen, false if freezeTarget should be allowed to transact

from: string

String representation of Algorand address of sender

genesisHash: string

Specifies hash genesis block of network in use

genesisID: string

Specifies genesis ID of network in use

lastRound: number

Integer last protocol round on which this txn is valid

lease?: Uint8Array

Lease a transaction. The sender cannot send another txn with that same lease until the last round of original txn has passed

nonParticipation?: boolean

Set this value to true to mark this account as nonparticipating.

All new Algorand accounts are participating by default. This means they earn rewards.

note?: Uint8Array

Arbitrary data for sender to store

reKeyTo?: string

String representation of the Algorand address that will be used to authorize all future transactions

selectionKey: string | Uint8Array

Selection key bytes. For key deregistration, leave undefined

stateProof?: Uint8Array

Byte array containing the state proof.

stateProofKey: string | Uint8Array

State proof key bytes. For key deregistration, leave undefined

stateProofMessage?: Uint8Array

Byte array containing the state proof message.

stateProofType?: number | bigint
suggestedParams: SuggestedParams

A dict holding common-to-all-txns arguments

to: string

String representation of Algorand address of recipient

Transaction type

voteFirst: number

First round on which voteKey is valid

voteKey: string | Uint8Array

Voting key bytes. For key deregistration, leave undefined

voteKeyDilution: number

The dilution fo the 2-level participation key

voteLast: number

Last round on which voteKey is valid

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