Interface ApplicationCallTransactionParams

Contains application call transaction parameters.

The full documentation is available at:

interface ApplicationCallTransactionParams {
    accounts?: (string | Address)[];
    appArgs?: Uint8Array[];
    appIndex: number | bigint;
    approvalProgram?: Uint8Array;
    boxes?: BoxReference[];
    clearProgram?: Uint8Array;
    extraPages?: number | bigint;
    foreignApps?: (number | bigint)[];
    foreignAssets?: (number | bigint)[];
    numGlobalByteSlices?: number | bigint;
    numGlobalInts?: number | bigint;
    numLocalByteSlices?: number | bigint;
    numLocalInts?: number | bigint;
    onComplete: OnApplicationComplete;


accounts?: (string | Address)[]

Array of Address strings, any additional accounts to supply to the application

appArgs?: Uint8Array[]

Array of Uint8Array, any additional arguments to the application

appIndex: number | bigint

A unique application ID

approvalProgram?: Uint8Array

The compiled TEAL that approves a transaction

boxes?: BoxReference[]

A grouping of the app ID and name of the box in an Uint8Array

clearProgram?: Uint8Array

The compiled TEAL program that runs when clearing state

extraPages?: number | bigint

Int representing extra pages of memory to rent during an application create transaction.

foreignApps?: (number | bigint)[]

Array of int, any other apps used by the application, identified by index

foreignAssets?: (number | bigint)[]

Array of int, any assets used by the application, identified by index

numGlobalByteSlices?: number | bigint

Restricts number of byte slices in global state

numGlobalInts?: number | bigint

Restricts number of ints in global state

numLocalByteSlices?: number | bigint

Restricts number of byte slices in per-user local state

numLocalInts?: number | bigint

Restricts number of ints in per-user local state

What application should do once the program has been run

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