Returns application local state about the given account.
const accountAppLocalStates = await indexerClient.lookupAccountAppLocalStates(address).do();
The address of the account to look up.
Returns asset about the given account.
const accountAssets = await indexerClient.lookupAccountAssets(address).do();
The address of the account to look up.
Returns information about the given account.
const accountInfo = await indexerClient.lookupAccountByID(address).do();
The address of the account to look up.
Returns application information created by the given account.
const accountCreatedApps = await indexerClient.lookupAccountCreatedApplications(address).do();
The address of the account to look up.
Returns asset information created by the given account.
const accountCreatedAssets = await indexerClient.lookupAccountCreatedAssets(address).do();
The address of the account to look up.
Returns transactions relating to the given account.
const accountTxns = await indexerClient.lookupAccountTransactions(address).do();
The address of the account.
Returns information about the application box given its name.
const boxName = Buffer.from("foo");
const boxResponse = await indexerClient
.LookupApplicationBoxByIDandName(1234, boxName)
const boxValue = boxResponse.value;
The ID of the application with boxes.
Returns log messages generated by the passed in application.
const appId = 60553466;
const appLogs = await indexerClient.lookupApplicationLogs(appId).do();
The ID of the application which generated the logs.
Returns information about the passed application.
const appId = 60553466;
const appInfo = await indexerClient.lookupApplications(appId).do();
The ID of the application to look up.
Returns the list of accounts who hold the given asset and their balance.
const assetId = 163650;
const assetBalances = await indexerClient.lookupAssetBalances(assetId).do();
The asset ID to look up.
Returns information about the passed asset.
const assetId = 163650;
const assetInfo = await indexerClient.lookupAssetByID(assetId).do();
The ID of the asset ot look up.
Returns transactions relating to the given asset.
const assetId = 163650;
const assetTxns = await indexerClient.lookupAssetTransactions(assetId).do();
The asset ID to look up.
Returns the block for the passed round.
const targetBlock = 18309917;
const blockInfo = await indexerClient.lookupBlock(targetBlock).do();
The number of the round to look up.
Returns information about the given transaction.
const txnInfo = await indexerClient.lookupTransactionByID(txnId).do();
The ID of the transaction to look up.
Returns the health object for the service. Returns 200 if healthy.
const health = await indexerClient.makeHealthCheck().do();
Returns information about indexed accounts.
const accounts = await indexerClient.searchAccounts().do();
Returns information about indexed application boxes.
const maxResults = 20;
const appID = 1234;
const responsePage1 = await indexerClient
const boxNamesPage1 = =>;
const responsePage2 = await indexerClient
const boxNamesPage2 = =>;
The ID of the application with boxes.
Returns information about indexed applications.
const apps = await indexerClient.searchForApplications().do();
Returns information about indexed assets.
const assets = await indexerClient.searchForAssets().do();
Returns information about indexed block headers.
const bhs = await indexerClient.searchForBlockHeaders().do();
Returns information about indexed transactions.
const txns = await indexerClient.searchForTransactions().do();
Create an IndexerClient from
const token = "";
const server = "http://localhost";
const port = 8980;
const indexerClient = new algosdk.Indexer(token, server, port);
The API token for the Indexer API
REST endpoint
Port number if specifically configured by the server
Optional headers
The above configuration is for a sandbox private network. For applications on production, you are encouraged to run your own node with indexer, or use an Algorand REST API provider with a dedicated API key.
Generated using TypeDoc
The Indexer provides a REST API interface of API calls to support searching the Algorand Blockchain.
The Indexer REST APIs retrieve the blockchain data from a PostgreSQL compatible database that must be populated.
This database is populated using the same indexer instance or a separate instance of the indexer which must connect to the algod process of a running Algorand node to read block data.
This node must also be an Archival node to make searching the entire blockchain possible.
Relevant Information
Learn more about Indexer
Run Indexer in Postman OAS3