Bonus is the bonus incentive to be paid for proposing this block. It begins as a consensus parameter value, and decays periodically.
Previous block hash
FeesCollected is the sum of all fees paid by transactions in this block. Populated if proto.EnableMining.
Genesis hash to which this block belongs.
Genesis ID to which this block belongs.
Proposer is the proposer of this block. Like the Seed, agreement adds this after the block is assembled by the transaction pool, so that the same block can be prepared for multiple participating accounts in the same node. Populated if proto.Payouts.Enabled
ProposerPayout is the amount that should be moved from the FeeSink to the Proposer at the start of the next block. It is basically the bonus + the payouts percent of FeesCollected, but may be zero'd by proposer ineligibility.
Round number
Sortition seed
StateProofTracking tracks the status of the state proofs, potentially for multiple types of ASPs (Algorand's State Proofs).
Timestamp in seconds since epoch
TxnCounter is the number of the next transaction that will be committed after this block. Genesis blocks can start at either 0 or 1000, depending on a consensus parameter (AppForbidLowResources).
fromGenerated using TypeDoc
Represents the metadata and state of a block.
For more information, refer to: