Class UpgradeVote

UpgradeVote represents the vote of the block proposer with respect to protocol upgrades.



  • Parameters

    • params: {
          upgradeApprove: boolean;
          upgradeDelay: bigint;
          upgradePropose: string;
      • upgradeApprove: boolean
      • upgradeDelay: bigint
      • upgradePropose: string

    Returns UpgradeVote


upgradeApprove: boolean

UpgradeApprove indicates a yes vote for the current proposal

upgradeDelay: bigint

UpgradeDelay indicates the time between acceptance and execution

upgradePropose: string

UpgradePropose indicates a proposed upgrade

encodingSchema: NamedMapSchema = ...


  • Extract the encoding data for this object. This data, after being prepared by the encoding Schema, can be encoded to msgpack or JSON.

    Returns Map<string, unknown>

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