Interface AssetModificationTransactionParams

Contains asset modification transaction parameters

interface AssetModificationTransactionParams {
    assetIndex: number | bigint;
    clawback?: string | Address;
    freeze?: string | Address;
    manager?: string | Address;
    reserve?: string | Address;
    strictEmptyAddressChecking?: boolean;


assetIndex: number | bigint

The unique ID of the asset to be modified

clawback?: string | Address

The Algorand address with power to revoke asset holdings.

If empty, this role will be irrevocably removed from this asset.

freeze?: string | Address

The Algorand address with power to freeze/unfreeze asset holdings.

If empty, this role will be irrevocably removed from this asset.

manager?: string | Address

The Algorand address in charge of reserve, freeze, clawback, destruction, etc.

If empty, this role will be irrevocably removed from this asset.

reserve?: string | Address

The Algorand address representing asset reserve.

If empty, this role will be irrevocably removed from this asset.

strictEmptyAddressChecking?: boolean

This is a safety flag to prevent unintentionally removing a role from an asset. If undefined or true, an error will be thrown if any of assetManager, assetReserve, assetFreeze, or assetClawback are empty.

Set this to false to allow removing roles by leaving the corresponding address empty.

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