Function createDryrun

  • createDryrun takes an Algod Client (from algod.AlgodV2Client) and an array of Signed Transactions from (transaction.SignedTransaction) and creates a DryrunRequest object with relevant balances


    the DryrunRequest object constructed from the SignedTransactions passed


    • __namedParameters: { client: Algodv2; latestTimestamp?: number | bigint; protocolVersion?: string; round?: number | bigint; sources?: DryrunSource[]; txns: SignedTransaction[] }
      • client: Algodv2
      • Optional latestTimestamp?: number | bigint
      • Optional protocolVersion?: string
      • Optional round?: number | bigint
      • Optional sources?: DryrunSource[]
      • txns: SignedTransaction[]

    Returns Promise<DryrunRequest>

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