Class SimulationTransactionExecTrace

The execution trace of calling an app or a logic sig, containing the inner app call trace in a recursive way.




approvalProgramHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the approval program executed in transaction.

approvalProgramTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in an approval program.

clearStateProgramHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the clear state program executed in transaction.

clearStateProgramTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in a clear state program.

clearStateRollback?: boolean

If true, indicates that the clear state program failed and any persistent state changes it produced should be reverted once the program exits.

clearStateRollbackError?: string

The error message explaining why the clear state program failed. This field will only be populated if clear-state-rollback is true and the failure was due to an execution error.

An array of SimulationTransactionExecTrace representing the execution trace of any inner transactions executed.

logicSigHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the logic sig executed in transaction.

logicSigTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in a logic sig.

encodingSchemaValue: undefined | Schema



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