Class SimulationTransactionExecTrace

The execution trace of calling an app or a logic sig, containing the inner app call trace in a recursive way.




approvalProgramHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the approval program executed in transaction.

approvalProgramTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in an approval program.

attribute_map: Record<string, string>
clearStateProgramHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the clear state program executed in transaction.

clearStateProgramTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in a clear state program.

An array of SimulationTransactionExecTrace representing the execution trace of any inner transactions executed.

logicSigHash?: Uint8Array

SHA512_256 hash digest of the logic sig executed in transaction.

logicSigTrace?: SimulationOpcodeTraceUnit[]

Program trace that contains a trace of opcode effects in a logic sig.


  • Get an object ready for encoding to either JSON or msgpack.


    • binary: boolean = false

      Use true to indicate that the encoding can handle raw binary objects (Uint8Arrays). Use false to indicate that raw binary objects should be converted to base64 strings. True should be used for objects that will be encoded with msgpack, and false should be used for objects that will be encoded with JSON.

    Returns Record<string, any>

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