Class Participant

A Participant corresponds to an account whose AccountData.Status is Online, and for which the expected sigRound satisfies AccountData.VoteFirstValid <= sigRound <= AccountData.VoteLastValid.

In the Algorand ledger, it is possible for multiple accounts to have the same PK. Thus, the PK is not necessarily unique among Participants. However, each account will produce a unique Participant struct, to avoid potential DoS attacks where one account claims to have the same VoteID PK as another account.




pk is the identifier used to verify the signature for a specific participant

weight: bigint

weight is AccountData.MicroAlgos.

encodingSchema: NamedMapSchema = ...


  • Extract the encoding data for this object. This data, after being prepared by the encoding Schema, can be encoded to msgpack or JSON.

    Returns Map<string, unknown>

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