Class FalconSignatureStruct

FalconSignatureStruct represents a signature in the merkle signature scheme using falcon signatures as an underlying crypto scheme. It consists of an ephemeral public key, a signature, a merkle verification path and an index. The merkle signature considered valid only if the Signature is verified under the ephemeral public key and the Merkle verification path verifies that the ephemeral public key is located at the given index of the tree (for the root given in the long-term public key). More details can be found on Algorand's spec




signature: Uint8Array
vectorCommitmentIndex: bigint
verifyingKey: FalconVerifier
encodingSchema: NamedMapSchema = ...


  • Extract the encoding data for this object. This data, after being prepared by the encoding Schema, can be encoded to msgpack or JSON.

    Returns Map<string, unknown>

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