Class ApplyData

An interface for objects that can be encoded and decoded to/from msgpack and JSON.



  • Parameters

    • params: {
          applicationID?: bigint;
          assetClosingAmount?: bigint;
          closeRewards?: bigint;
          closingAmount?: bigint;
          configAsset?: bigint;
          evalDelta?: EvalDelta;
          receiverRewards?: bigint;
          senderRewards?: bigint;
      • Optional applicationID?: bigint
      • Optional assetClosingAmount?: bigint
      • Optional closeRewards?: bigint
      • Optional closingAmount?: bigint
      • Optional configAsset?: bigint
      • Optional evalDelta?: EvalDelta
      • Optional receiverRewards?: bigint
      • Optional senderRewards?: bigint

    Returns ApplyData


applicationID?: bigint

If an application is being created, this is its newly created ID. Else 0.

assetClosingAmount?: bigint

Closing amount for asset transaction.

closeRewards?: bigint

Rewards applied to the CloseRemainderTo account.

closingAmount?: bigint

Closing amount for transaction.

configAsset?: bigint

If an ASA is being created, this is its newly created ID. Else 0.

evalDelta?: EvalDelta
receiverRewards?: bigint

Rewards applied to the Receiver.

senderRewards?: bigint

Rewards applied to the Sender.

encodingSchemaValue: undefined | Schema



  • Extract the encoding data for this object. This data, after being prepared by the encoding Schema, can be encoded to msgpack or JSON.

    Returns Map<string, unknown>

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