Class IndexerClient

  • public class IndexerClient
    extends Client
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexerClient

        public IndexerClient​(String host,
                             int port,
                             String token)
        Construct an IndexerClient for communicating with the REST API.
        host - using a URI format. If the scheme is not supplied the client will use HTTP.
        port - REST server port.
        token - authentication token.
      • IndexerClient

        public IndexerClient​(String host,
                             int port)
        Construct an IndexerClient for communicating with the REST API.
        host - using a URI format. If the scheme is not supplied the client will use HTTP.
        port - REST server port.
      • IndexerClient

        public IndexerClient​(String host,
                             int port,
                             String token,
                             String tokenKey)
        Construct an IndexerClient with custom token key for communicating with the REST API.
        host - using a URI format. If the scheme is not supplied the client will use HTTP.
        port - REST server port.
        token - authentication token.
        tokenKey - authentication token key.
    • Method Detail

      • makeHealthCheck

        public MakeHealthCheck makeHealthCheck()
        Returns 200 if healthy. /health
      • searchForAccounts

        public SearchForAccounts searchForAccounts()
        Search for accounts. /v2/accounts
      • lookupAccountByID

        public LookupAccountByID lookupAccountByID​(Address accountId)
        Lookup account information. /v2/accounts/{account-id}
      • lookupAccountAssets

        public LookupAccountAssets lookupAccountAssets​(Address accountId)
        Lookup an account's asset holdings, optionally for a specific ID. /v2/accounts/{account-id}/assets
      • lookupAccountCreatedAssets

        public LookupAccountCreatedAssets lookupAccountCreatedAssets​(Address accountId)
        Lookup an account's created asset parameters, optionally for a specific ID. /v2/accounts/{account-id}/created-assets
      • lookupAccountAppLocalStates

        public LookupAccountAppLocalStates lookupAccountAppLocalStates​(Address accountId)
        Lookup an account's asset holdings, optionally for a specific ID. /v2/accounts/{account-id}/apps-local-state
      • lookupAccountCreatedApplications

        public LookupAccountCreatedApplications lookupAccountCreatedApplications​(Address accountId)
        Lookup an account's created application parameters, optionally for a specific ID. /v2/accounts/{account-id}/created-applications
      • lookupAccountTransactions

        public LookupAccountTransactions lookupAccountTransactions​(Address accountId)
        Lookup account transactions. Transactions are returned newest to oldest. /v2/accounts/{account-id}/transactions
      • searchForApplications

        public SearchForApplications searchForApplications()
        Search for applications /v2/applications
      • lookupApplicationByID

        public LookupApplicationByID lookupApplicationByID​(Long applicationId)
        Lookup application. /v2/applications/{application-id}
      • searchForApplicationBoxes

        public SearchForApplicationBoxes searchForApplicationBoxes​(Long applicationId)
        Given an application ID, returns the box names of that application sorted lexicographically. /v2/applications/{application-id}/boxes
      • lookupApplicationBoxByIDAndName

        public LookupApplicationBoxByIDAndName lookupApplicationBoxByIDAndName​(Long applicationId)
        Given an application ID and box name, returns base64 encoded box name and value. Box names must be in the goal app call arg form 'encoding:value'. For ints, use the form 'int:1234'. For raw bytes, encode base 64 and use 'b64' prefix as in 'b64:A=='. For printable strings, use the form 'str:hello'. For addresses, use the form 'addr:XYZ...'. /v2/applications/{application-id}/box
      • lookupApplicationLogsByID

        public LookupApplicationLogsByID lookupApplicationLogsByID​(Long applicationId)
        Lookup application logs. /v2/applications/{application-id}/logs
      • searchForAssets

        public SearchForAssets searchForAssets()
        Search for assets. /v2/assets
      • lookupAssetByID

        public LookupAssetByID lookupAssetByID​(Long assetId)
        Lookup asset information. /v2/assets/{asset-id}
      • lookupAssetBalances

        public LookupAssetBalances lookupAssetBalances​(Long assetId)
        Lookup the list of accounts who hold this asset /v2/assets/{asset-id}/balances
      • lookupAssetTransactions

        public LookupAssetTransactions lookupAssetTransactions​(Long assetId)
        Lookup transactions for an asset. Transactions are returned oldest to newest. /v2/assets/{asset-id}/transactions
      • searchForBlockHeaders

        public SearchForBlockHeaders searchForBlockHeaders()
        Search for block headers. Block headers are returned in ascending round order. Transactions are not included in the output. /v2/block-headers
      • lookupBlock

        public LookupBlock lookupBlock​(Long roundNumber)
        Lookup block. /v2/blocks/{round-number}
      • lookupTransaction

        public LookupTransaction lookupTransaction​(String txid)
        Lookup a single transaction. /v2/transactions/{txid}
      • searchForTransactions

        public SearchForTransactions searchForTransactions()
        Search for transactions. Transactions are returned oldest to newest unless the address parameter is used, in which case results are returned newest to oldest. /v2/transactions