Class SearchForBlockHeaders

  • public class SearchForBlockHeaders
    extends Query
    Search for block headers. Block headers are returned in ascending round order. Transactions are not included in the output. /v2/block-headers
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchForBlockHeaders

        public SearchForBlockHeaders​(Client client)
    • Method Detail

      • absent

        public SearchForBlockHeaders absent​(List<Address> absent)
        Accounts marked as absent in the block header's participation updates. This parameter accepts a comma separated list of addresses.
      • afterTime

        public SearchForBlockHeaders afterTime​(Date afterTime)
        Include results after the given time. Must be an RFC 3339 formatted string.
      • beforeTime

        public SearchForBlockHeaders beforeTime​(Date beforeTime)
        Include results before the given time. Must be an RFC 3339 formatted string.
      • expired

        public SearchForBlockHeaders expired​(List<Address> expired)
        Accounts marked as expired in the block header's participation updates. This parameter accepts a comma separated list of addresses.
      • limit

        public SearchForBlockHeaders limit​(Long limit)
        Maximum number of results to return. There could be additional pages even if the limit is not reached.
      • next

        public SearchForBlockHeaders next​(String next)
        The next page of results. Use the next token provided by the previous results.
      • proposers

        public SearchForBlockHeaders proposers​(List<Address> proposers)
        Accounts marked as proposer in the block header's participation updates. This parameter accepts a comma separated list of addresses.
      • execute

        public Response<BlockHeadersResponse> execute​(String[] headers,
                                                      String[] values)
                                               throws Exception
        Execute the query with custom headers, there must be an equal number of keys and values or else an error will be generated.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Query
        headers - an array of header keys
        values - an array of header values
        the query response object.