Class AccountInformation

  • public class AccountInformation
    extends Query
    Given a specific account public key, this call returns the account's status, balance and spendable amounts /v2/accounts/{address}
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccountInformation

        public AccountInformation​(Client client,
                                  Address address)
        address - An account public key
    • Method Detail

      • exclude

        public AccountInformation exclude​(Enums.Exclude exclude)
        When set to `all` will exclude asset holdings, application local state, created asset parameters, any created application parameters. Defaults to `none`.
      • execute

        public Response<Account> execute​(String[] headers,
                                         String[] values)
                                  throws Exception
        Execute the query with custom headers, there must be an equal number of keys and values or else an error will be generated.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Query
        headers - an array of header keys
        values - an array of header values
        the query response object.