Class GetBlock

  • public class GetBlock
    extends Query
    Get the block for the given round. /v2/blocks/{round}
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetBlock

        public GetBlock​(Client client,
                        Long round)
        round - The round from which to fetch block information.
    • Method Detail

      • headerOnly

        public GetBlock headerOnly​(Boolean headerOnly)
        If true, only the block header (exclusive of payset or certificate) may be included in response.
      • execute

        public Response<BlockResponse> execute​(String[] headers,
                                               String[] values)
                                        throws Exception
        Execute the query with custom headers, there must be an equal number of keys and values or else an error will be generated.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Query
        headers - an array of header keys
        values - an array of header values
        the query response object.