Function makeApplicationCreateTxn

  • Make a transaction that will create an application.


    • from: string

      address of sender

    • suggestedParams: SuggestedParams

      a dict holding common-to-all-txns args: fee - integer fee per byte, in microAlgos. for a flat fee, set flatFee to true flatFee - bool optionally set this to true to specify fee as microalgos-per-txn If true, txn fee may fall below the ALGORAND_MIN_TX_FEE firstRound - integer first protocol round on which this txn is valid lastRound - integer last protocol round on which this txn is valid genesisHash - string specifies hash genesis block of network in use genesisID - string specifies genesis ID of network in use

    • onComplete: OnApplicationComplete

      algosdk.OnApplicationComplete, what application should do once the program is done being run

    • approvalProgram: Uint8Array

      Uint8Array, the compiled TEAL that approves a transaction

    • clearProgram: Uint8Array

      Uint8Array, the compiled TEAL that runs when clearing state

    • numLocalInts: number

      restricts number of ints in per-user local state

    • numLocalByteSlices: number

      restricts number of byte slices in per-user local state

    • numGlobalInts: number

      restricts number of ints in global state

    • numGlobalByteSlices: number

      restricts number of byte slices in global state

    • Optional appArgs: Uint8Array[]

      Array of Uint8Array, any additional arguments to the application

    • Optional accounts: string[]

      Array of Address strings, any additional accounts to supply to the application

    • Optional foreignApps: number[]

      Array of int, any other apps used by the application, identified by index

    • Optional foreignAssets: number[]

      Array of int, any assets used by the application, identified by index

    • Optional note: Uint8Array

      Arbitrary data for sender to store

    • Optional lease: Uint8Array

      Lease a transaction

    • Optional rekeyTo: string

      String representation of the Algorand address that will be used to authorize all future transactions

    • Optional extraPages: number

      integer extra pages of memory to rent on creation of application

    • Optional boxes: BoxReference[]

      Array of BoxReference, app ID and name of box to be accessed

    Returns Transaction

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