Uses of Class

Packages that use ContractTemplate
Package Description
  • Uses of ContractTemplate in com.algorand.algosdk.templates

    Methods in com.algorand.algosdk.templates that return ContractTemplate
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected static ContractTemplate ContractTemplate.inject​(byte[] program, java.util.List<com.algorand.algosdk.templates.ContractTemplate.ParameterValue> values)
    static ContractTemplate DynamicFee.MakeDynamicFee​(Address receiver, java.lang.Integer amount, java.lang.Integer firstValid, java.lang.Integer lastValid, Address closeRemainderAddress)
    DynamicFee contract allows you to create a transaction without specifying the fee.
    protected static ContractTemplate DynamicFee.MakeDynamicFee​(Address receiver, java.lang.Integer amount, java.lang.Integer firstValid, java.lang.Integer lastValid, Address closeRemainderAddress, Lease lease)
    static ContractTemplate HTLC.MakeHTLC​(Address owner, Address receiver, java.lang.String hashFunction, java.lang.String hashImage, int expiryRound, int maxFee)
    Hash Time Locked Contract allows a user to recieve the Algo prior to a deadline (in terms of a round) by proving knowledge of a special value or to forfeit the ability to claim, returning it to the payer.
    static ContractTemplate LimitOrder.MakeLimitOrder​(Address owner, java.lang.Integer assetId, java.lang.Integer ratn, java.lang.Integer ratd, java.lang.Integer expirationRound, java.lang.Integer minTrade, java.lang.Integer maxFee)
    MakeLimitOrder allows a user to exchange some number of assets for some number of algos.
    static ContractTemplate PeriodicPayment.MakePeriodicPayment​(Address receiver, int amount, int withdrawingWindow, int period, int fee, int expiryRound)
    PeriodicPayment contract enables creating an account which allows the withdrawal of a fixed amount of assets every fixed number of rounds to a specific Algrorand Address.
    protected static ContractTemplate PeriodicPayment.MakePeriodicPayment​(Address receiver, int amount, int withdrawingWindow, int period, int fee, int expiryRound, Lease lease)
    Need a way to specify the lease for testing.
    static ContractTemplate Split.MakeSplit​(Address owner, Address receiver1, Address receiver2, int rat1, int rat2, int expiryRound, int minPay, int maxFee)
    Split allows locking algos in an account which allows transfering to two predefined addresses in a specified ratio such that for the given ratn and ratd parameters we have: first_recipient_amount * rat_2 == second_recipient_amount * rat_1 Split also has an expiry round, after which the owner can transfer back the funds.
    Methods in com.algorand.algosdk.templates with parameters of type ContractTemplate
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static SignedTransaction HTLC.GetHTLCTransaction​(ContractTemplate contract, java.lang.String preImage, int firstValid, int lastValid, Digest genesisHash, int feePerByte)
    static byte[] Split.GetSplitTransactions​(ContractTemplate contract, int amount, int firstValid, int lastValid, int feePerByte, Digest genesisHash)
    Generate group transactions to transfer funds according to the contract's ratio.
    static byte[] LimitOrder.MakeSwapAssetsTransaction​(ContractTemplate contract, java.lang.Integer assetAmount, java.lang.Integer microAlgoAmount, Account sender, java.lang.Integer firstValid, java.lang.Integer lastValid, Digest genesisHash, java.lang.Integer feePerByte)
    Creates a group transaction array which transfer funds according to the contract's ratio
    static SignedTransaction PeriodicPayment.MakeWithdrawalTransaction​(ContractTemplate contract, int firstValid, Digest genesisHash, int feePerByte)
    Return the withdrawal transaction to be sent to the network.
    static DynamicFee.SignedDynamicFee DynamicFee.SignDynamicFee​(ContractTemplate contract, Account senderAccount, Digest genesisHash)
    Return the main transaction and signed logic needed to complete the transfer.