Class TypeString

  • public class TypeString
    extends ABIType
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeString

        public TypeString()
    • Method Detail

      • isDynamic

        public boolean isDynamic()
        Description copied from class: ABIType
        Check if this ABI type is a dynamic type.
        Specified by:
        isDynamic in class ABIType
        boolean decision if the ABI type is dynamic.
      • encode

        public byte[] encode​(Object o)
        Description copied from class: ABIType
        Encode JAVA values with ABI rules based on the ABI type schemes
        Specified by:
        encode in class ABIType
        o - JAVA values
        byte[] of ABI encoding
      • decode

        public Object decode​(byte[] encoded)
        Description copied from class: ABIType
        Decode ABI encoded byte array to JAVA values from ABI type schemes
        Specified by:
        decode in class ABIType
        encoded - byte array of ABI encoding
        JAVA object of corresponding values
      • byteLen

        public int byteLen()
        Description copied from class: ABIType
        Precompute the byte size of the static ABI typed value
        Specified by:
        byteLen in class ABIType
        the byte size of the ABI value